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Manav's Video Gallery

Here are the videos that are not publicly uploaded to my YouTube Channel

An animatic I drew, voiced, and put together. BEEware of puns.

A short, montage-style edit I made for a friend of a play he made in Valorant

A cinematic render of a cave environment I made in Unreal Engine 5

A short film I made for a class project. Each actor filmed their pieces seperately (during lockdown, we were all in different places), and I wrote the script, edited the footage together, and did the audio mixing.

A short, silent horror film I made for a class project. I acted, filmed, edited, did everything on my own. This was during the lockdown.

A render of a short animation featuring me high-fiving Pathfinder from Apex Legends.

A video montage of a friend playing quite unceremoniously